KCMiller: Reaper exits his stealth mode and turns, saying in his robotic voice, "Stealth Course, here." He rolls towards the back wall, near where the powerful weapon was kept and stopped. A moment later, the wall seemed to shimmer and a door appeared. Reaper rolled back, saying, "Master Connor's Stealth Course, here."
Connor || He looked at the door holding out his hand at the door knob, but he hesitated. Should he be the one to go first, if he had nothing to compare to? But he thought better of it and opened the door and stepped inside not sure of what to expect. At the most, if he failed the course, he could always end up practicing, or try to find something he was better at.
KCMiller ||Inside the room, a strange blue light scanned Connor, then the room seemed to shimmer before lights came on, revealing a set stealth course made specifically for his build, size, and weight. Reaper rolled into the room and rolled to a wall where a large TV screen seemed to melt onto the wall. The screen lit up and showed every detail of the course, as well ad where they stood. Several specifically designed "enemy targets" were scattered about the course, which was shown on the screen. Reaper turned and faced him. "Goal: hit all targets. Time to Complete: Not set. Designated Weapon: Dagger only. Begin when Ready."
Connor Coleman felt a wave of excitement as the course revealed itself. He breathed out before stretching out prepare himself. He nodded grabbing the dagger given to him when he left his realm. It was old and worn out but it still worked really well. He looked up at the screen examining the course before stating "I'm ready. Reaper where do I go to start?" he asked worried that he wouldn't be good at stealth at all.
KCMiller (Reaper) "Begin at any point. Invasion Area: Enemy Target Home." The layout of the house on the screen spun slowly showing several different stealthy entrances that could be used.
Connor Coleman nods slowly trying to figure out what to do. In a conversation, he could easily figure things out, however, when he was staring it in the face, his mind betrayed him "Well it's not like I'm going to waltz in through the front door" he joked trying to lighten his mind, to relax and think more clearly. It worked, if only slightly. He could climb in through a window but he thought that plan might not work. He decided to try anyway. If that didn't work he could always try the course again, right? He decided not to think of it. He decided to ask for a suggestion instead. Reaper, any suggestions? I'm a bit new to this."
KCMiller (Reaper) turns to the screen above him. "Three points of entry: Here-" the back door lit up. "-Here-" The window in the dining room lit up, as no one was there and there were potted trees to hide behind, "- and here." A window leading to the basement appeared, which was cracked and easily able to be opened. Turning back to Connor, Reaper said, "Points to enter undetected: found."
Connor Coleman hums as he examines the points of entry. He figured that the best point of entry would be the basement as those were usually dark. He took off his shoes as they would make too much noise once inside. Once he was barefoot he looked at Reaper "Reaper, is there better equipment, as all I have is this old dagger?
KCMiller (Reaper) rolls out of the room then returns holding a large box. Inside was a phone-like object, which Reaper lit up to show a 3D version of what was on the screen. At the press of a finger, it could turn, zoom into a room, a point of access, show all points of danger in the house/ building as well as show where any and all life forms were located. The next thing was a set of four new daggers, black blades so the light didn't catch it, and set of small throwing stars that disintegrated in five minutes of hitting the target. A leg strap for the daggers and a star belt was included. Night vision "sunglasses" were in the box as well. Strange black shoes that were soft and noiseless on the bottom, as well as waterproof, were at the bottom.
Connor Coleman looks eyes wide at the equipment "I was not expecting that" he mutters "Ok, let's get equipped" He spoke putting on the shoes first as he didn't have shoes on at the moment. He then put on the strap and belt. He put the throwing stars in the belt even though he wasn't going to use them. He didn't think he would need four daggers, but he put them in anyways.
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